Gynecologic Services
Your reproductive health is an intimate subject, one you may only feel comfortable discussing with a specialist. At Synergy Women’s Health Care, you have access to providers with extensive experience. If you’re looking for a gynecologist in the Portland, Oregon area, contact the clinic online or over the phone to set up a visit.
Gynecology Q & A
What is Gynecology?
Gynecology is a branch of medicine dedicated to women’s health, particularly their reproductive health. A gynecologist is a physician who specializes in gynecology.
Women’s health encompasses the following topics:
Breast health
Reproductive health
Sexual health
General wellness and prevention
How Do I Take Care of My Gynecologic Health?
Preventive care is one of the best ways to protect your gynecologic health. Your lifestyle choices and habits have a significant effect on your gynecologic health, too.
Some of the practical ways you can take care of your gynecologic health include:
Scheduling regular visits and screenings with your gynecologist
Paying attention to your body and recognizing unfamiliar symptoms
Staying up-to-date on relevant vaccinations
Practicing safe sexual activity
Maintaining healthy habits such as exercising, eating a nutritious diet, and not smoking
When Should I See a Gynecologist?
You should make an appointment with your gynecologist at least once a year for your well-woman checkup and any recommended screenings. You should also make an appointment with your provider if you notice any abnormal symptoms.
Common Gynecologic Services
Well woman care/annual exams
Adolescent gynecology
Menstrual disorders
Pelvic Pain
STD testing/Gardisil (HPV) vaccination
Gynecologic problems- routine and complex
Abnormal pap smear/HPV evaluation/management/treatment
Cone biopsy
Incontinence evaluation/treatment
Collaborative care (with complimentary and alternative care providers)
Office ultrasound
Evaluation for pelvic pain, bleeding, ovarian cysts, fibroids, other
Early pregnancy viability assessment
Saline infusion sonohysterogram
Minimally invasive office procedures
Diagnostic hysteroscopy
Endometrial ablation
Hospital surgical procedures
Laparoscopy, including robotic assisted
Treatment of ovarian cysts, endometriosis, adhesive disease, fibroids, sterilization, other
Laparascopic supracervical hysterectomy (LSH)
Laparascopic total hysterectomy
Laparascopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy
Total abdominal hysterectomy
Vaginal hysterectomy
Vaginal/vulvar procedures
Uterine fibroid removal
Cervical cone biopsy